Navigating the Business Landscape of 2063: Key Issues on the Horizon

Founded in September 1983, The Open University Business School officially celebrates 40 years this year. As part of our 40th anniversary reflections, we asked our Business School students and alumni what they think the global business landscape might look like in another 40 years. This entry comes from Rachel Blackburn, Director at US2U Consulting and MBAContinue reading “Navigating the Business Landscape of 2063: Key Issues on the Horizon”

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What do you think will be the key issues for businesses in 40 years?

Founded in September 1983, The Open University Business School officially celebrates 40 years this year. As part of our 40th anniversary reflections, we asked our Business School students and alumni what they think the global business landscape might look like in another 40 years. This entry comes from James Boyce, British Airways pilot and MBA student.Continue reading “What do you think will be the key issues for businesses in 40 years?”

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Reflections from my MBA studies

Vladimír Slobodník graduated with an MBA in 1998. In this post, he reflects upon his MBA journey. At the beginning of the 90’s after leaving Slovak University of Technology, I was looking for what to do next. I started in the chemical industry. Full of enthusiasm and courage, I decided to get a completely unknownContinue reading “Reflections from my MBA studies”

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We just need to tell more stories….

In today’s ever-changing and challenging business landscape, the importance of storytelling is often seen as a panacea to help engage with stakeholders: “we just need to write more stories”. However, it’s not always so simple. While corporate storytelling is a powerful tool, and in times of poly crisis can instill confidence, inspire action, and helpContinue reading “We just need to tell more stories….”

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LinkedIn Roulette: My Unexpected Dive into the World of ‘Less is More’ and ‘I’m Possible’.

Welcome to the realm of LinkedIn where your ordinary day can turn into a full-blown adventure, all thanks to a couple of algorithms playing cupid. Here’s my story. As an Open University Business School (OUBS) grad of 2011, I thought I’d seen it all. Until one day, a casual LinkedIn post of mine did aContinue reading “LinkedIn Roulette: My Unexpected Dive into the World of ‘Less is More’ and ‘I’m Possible’.”

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How can smart cities become greener?

Professor Effie Kesidou, Dr Despoina Filiou and Professor Lichao Wu Dr Effie Kesidou is Professor of Economics of Innovation and Sustainability at Leeds University Business School. Her research includes eco-innovations, the impact of international sustainability standards, and the role of city-regions and local knowledge spillovers upon firms’ eco-innovation and productivity. Dr Despoina Filiou is aContinue reading “How can smart cities become greener?”

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IoD women’s leadership conference 2023 piece: You can’t be what you can’t see

The challenge we face today at work and across our lives is the modern pace of change. There are many reasons why the world has changed. Our ageing workforce; technology advancements; COVID and the increased awareness of mental health impacts following the pandemic resulting in a mind shift change in how we live and work.Continue reading “IoD women’s leadership conference 2023 piece: You can’t be what you can’t see”

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Does being an introvert hamper your chances of making senior management?

Leaders don’t always have to be loud and bombastic. There is value in being an introvert, says Dr Jacqueline Baxter, a management professor at The Open University Business School. There have been countless articles on extroversion and its links to senior management. One article showed 98% of top executives scoring high or very high onContinue reading “Does being an introvert hamper your chances of making senior management?”

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The role of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in developing practitioner/academic identities

Based on her research and experience as a practitioner turned academic, Professor Jacqueline Baxter, Director of the Centre for Research and Innovation in online learning at the Open University, talks about potential contribution of scholarship research on the professional identities of practitioners that cross over into academia. All faculties employ individuals who have made theContinue reading “The role of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in developing practitioner/academic identities”

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Can your habits and attitudes make you wealthy?

“You don’t get rich by what you earn. You get rich by what you don’t spend.” (Henry Ford) Why are some people wealthier and better off than others? Given similar income levels, what predicts who will build greater wealth? Why are people of the same age and similar background factors so different in their wealthContinue reading “Can your habits and attitudes make you wealthy?”

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